
A new day has dawned in Alaska. The only difference from Michigan is the sun never fully set! I'm also four hours behind now.

Yesterday was plagued by travel. I think it was something like 16 hours. The flight from minneapolis to Anchorage felt longer than the one I took to Greece 4 years ago. It wasn't, but it felt like it.

For the last 20 minutes we got to see this gorgeous mountain range:

view of a snowy mountain range from a seat on a plane

Right now I'm staying at the lovely home of Margie who picked me and my suitcases up from the airport and took me to the most delicious sushi restruaunt.

She's a lovely and kind woman who has great pride for Michigan State and the practice of journalism. She also has this wonderful habit of turning everything into a story. Her life experiences just pour out of her no matter what the topic of conversation. I'm not complaining though, she's seen some cool shit.

two cuteladies holding ice creams in a parking lot with mountains in the background

Margie took me to get ice cream! I got the delicious flavor of fireweed and honey. Fireweed is a beautiful pink wildflower that grows all over Alaska. "When fireweed turns to cotton, summer will soon be forgotten." In other words, this bright plant predicts the end of Alaskan summers.

Alrighty folks, I'm in the airport, Nomeward Bound. I've been waiting for this day for a month and now I'm an hour and a half plane ride away and all the researching and preparing I've done has evacuated my mind. But I'm so excited for this journey. Who I'll meet, what I'll see, who I'll become. So here's to getting on airplanes and going places. 15 year old me would be so proud. :)